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A Soldier Who Rescued a Hamster

Thanks Aaron for emailing me your wonderful story. I will share this to the world so people can read about your wonderful deed:

I was on duty one night it the Security Centre of a military base when one of the Corporals came in and told me there was a hamster outside in the corner by the door.  By the way, it was minus 10 degrees Celsius with a high wind.
I went outside and sure enough there she was huddled in the corner obviously desperate to get out of the bitter cold and wind.  Without thinking I picked her up and brought her inside - she was nearly dead and apart from her breathing there was no response at all.  I held her in the palms of my hands to warm her up and in about half an hour she began to move.  I found a small box and put a lot of toilet paper in it and put down a bottle cap of water and gave her some rye bread from my lunch. 
To cut a long story short I brought her home, got a nice two story, ‘apartment,’ (cage) and a running wheel and a siphon drinking bottle.  Inside a few days she was walking willingly onto my hand to be picked up and I have never come across a more gentle animal in all my life.
My wife fell in love with her and now, “Michelle Holly,” is very much a part of our family.  She’s bright, intelligent and very, very affectionate and not once has she ever tried to nip our fingers.
I didn’t know a thing about hamsters and it was a friend who told us what she is!  But I seem to have made all the right moves as me, my wife and Michelle are a very happy family.
Isn’t life a wonderful thing?

"YES Aaron, life is a wonderful thing!" - Sharon


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